Sun Ho's phone bill for 3 years is around $130,000, and Kong Hee's expenses for airplane tickets is estimated to be $538,481.
Prosecutors continued questioning City Harvest founder Kong Hee and brought out an email written by Serina Wee on 5th October 2006 sent to Kong Hee and Tan Yi Peng.
In the email, Serina Wee mentioned that Sun Ho's agent at the time, Xtron, will be showing a $454,000 deficit, and Sun Ho's phone bill from 2005 to 2007 is estimated at $132,000.
Not only that, in 2006, Xtron donated $100,000 to some school in China, and $50,000 to Anglican High in Sun Ho's name. To minimise Xtron's losses, Serine Wee said that the church will bear these charges (i'm assuming she meant the 2 donations to china and anglican high)
Serina Wee also said in the email that another $100,000 given to build a school in China will also be taken from CHC's account.
Serina Wee wrote in another email on 27th Aug 2007 to Tan Yi Peng, that the $13 million raised from the bond issue will be used to pay for some expenses, including the $538,481 spent on airplane tickets for Kong Hee between 2007 to 2009.
Additionally, Tan Yi Peng's buffer budget requires another $500,000.
In the email, Serina Wee highlighted that Xtron still owes 2 parties $2 million and $1.07 million, and there is a need to find more people who are willing to donate to Xtron so that at least 1 of the parties can be paid back.

(left pocket to right pocket. i'm guessing this is about Kong Hee not pledging to the building fund but tithing and donating to the Multi Purpose Fund which is essentially used for his and Sun Ho's expenses)
Kong Hee claims he is naive in believing Bro Foong's words when Bro Foong said that not a single cent of church funds were used for the crossover.
(ok, nothing new here. basically he is saying that he didn't know if church funds were used, and when Bro Foong said there wasn't, he took his word for it. which is funny though because earlier Bro Foong said someone gave him the script and he just read from it to record the video shown to the church. someone's is lying, can't tell who.)
prosecutors accuse Kong Hee of being the overall in charge of the Crossover. because Serina will regularly report to him the financial status/situation of Xtron. Prosecutors also claim that Chew Eng Han stated that Xtron Director didn't agree with the budget for the Crossover but Kong Hee had the final say. In response, Kong Hee said that Xtron directos were his members, and he would hold some influence over the, but the final decision still lied within the directors' hands.
Moreover, the boss of the american music production company recommended Kong Hee start a shell corporation in US, in order to be "clean and safe(??)".
(only headlines. photo too small)
Tan Yi Peng booked a $300 room in Hong Kong, Kong Hee feels it is inhabitable.
Courtroom is empty, but all tickets for the sessions were given out
No SMS allowed to be sent from the courtroom.
Kong Hee talks about the price of the Crossover, Serina Wee and someone cries.
(don't cry serina.)
after questioning Kong Hee, Chew Eng Han fires a canon at Tan Yi Peng.
Chew accuses Tan of being secretive, and claims that he (Chew) has been fighting honorably in the light. (sorry, not quite sure how to translate this)
Chew said he once told Kong Hee that Tan doesn't like to keep people in the loop, at the most telling only 2 to 3 people.
Kong Hee responded by saying Chew and Tan has always been his friends and trench buddies, seeing them fight today breaks his heart.
Chew replied, "i always fight in front of you and not behind your back." Tan's lawyer objected that this is Chew's personal opinion and should not be admissible. The Court police went to Tan Yi Peng and told him not to use his handphone.
Chew Eng Hang brought out his "secret weapon" but lost his trusty sidekick. because the recording was recorded by his wife, the prosecution may require her to testify, as such she cannot be in the courtroom.
Recording was made in March last year, 2 months before the start of the trial.
Tan's lawyer said that if the recording is to be used, Chew's wife cannot be in the courtroom. Chew chose to use the recording, so his wife has to leave.
As Chew dug deeper and deeper, lawyers for the prosecution objected repeatedly on the grounds that his questions were irrelevant to the case.
In comparison, the prosecution was quiet, which drew a response from the defense lawyers "why is the prosecution lawyer so quiet, do you not have any opinions?"
Church members donated $2.52 million to Kong Hee and his wife! Chew accuses Sun of drawing salary and bonuses but not recording it in the accounts, hence he left the church because he feels cheated!
Chew submitted the accounting records for the Multi-Purpose Account from 2007 to 2009. This MPA was used by church members to sustain the living expenses of Kong Hee and his wife. Chew and his wife were also donors to the MPA.
the records show that in the 3 years, members donated $760,000, $810,000 and $950,000 to the couple.
but Kong Hee didn't reveal how much was withdrawn from the account for his wife's royalties, salaries and bonuses, and only declared other expenses used by him and his wife such as medical bills, hotels and travel expenses, phone and insurance bills etc.
in 2009, after deducting the couple's expenses, the MPA had a deficit of $530,000. Chew said that it wasn't that the members were not donating enough, but that Sun Ho obtained an income of $440,000 from the MPA.
Kong Hee explains that it is the CHC culture to not reveal salary and bonuses.
Chew said "some of these donors are very close to you, your biggest supporters, and you can't even share these details with them?"
he also said that 1 of the reasons he left church was because he realised that Kong has been lying to some of the people closest to him.
Kong Hee denied the allegations, because the whole purpose of the MPA was for the couple to use.
From 2007 to 2009, amounts withdrawn from the MPA
Sun Ho royalties: $894,164
Sun Ho salary and bonuses: $499,932
Medical: $505,172
Airplane tickets, accomodation, travel insurance: $337,394
donation: $50,000
hair and makeup: $93,167
Problem with CHC KL?
Chew revealed that after reading the COC report in February last year, he discovered that there's a problem with CHC KL, and that the funding for the Crossover came from multiple sources.
He suggested to Kong Hee to be open to the church and to make restitutions because "i feel we should do the right thing."
Chew told the judge that he is not out to prove that the branch church has done anything illegal, but to show his state of mind at that time.
Chew accused Kong of not loving the church. (ok this is reported on multiple articles, kong hee should have sold the rights etc etc. moving on.)
Chew revealed that private investigators were hired to find out who were slandering the couple online.
the private investigators found out that the rumours were started either by enemies of the church or former members (no shit, sherlock).
the private investigator suggested to find ask some businesswoman from church with the surname chew (maybe elim chew?) to dig out who started the rumour.
Chew accuses Kong Hee of exaggerating church attendance. Kong Hee said that there were 28,000 when Chew says that even adding up adults and children won't give more than 20,000.
he gave some evidence that in March 2010, the estimated attendance was 11,000, April 12,000. he asked Kong Hee, where did the additional 12,000 come from. Kong Hee replied that Chew was only taking into account the people who attends cellgroup.
Chew also pointed out that the biggest expense on Xtron's accounts were for marketing and publicity. but part of the money was used to buy Sun Ho's CDs. Kong Hee said that he doesn't agree. (i'm not sure why. something about pre-ordering rather than buying.)
who's gentle? who's combative?
Kong Hee: i'm different from Chew, maybe because of our personalities. i'm a pastor, when i face criticism i am more gentle... but Chew thinks the truth is very important, so he will fight to the end to find the truth. that's how it started with the private investigators.
Chew: in fact, pastor kong, i can also be very gentle when facing criticisms, but i was so agitated because the rumors concerning the church and AMAC were baseless and adsurb. (At that time) Sun Ho also said "how do we shut these people up after finding out who they are?". don't you think she's even more combative than me?
Kong Hee donated money to himself.
Chew said that Kong kept encouraging people to donate to the bulding fund, and claimed behind the pulpit that God spoken to him to increase his pledge amount, but in fact he didn't.
Kong said that from 2007 to 2009 the crossover required large amounts of money, so he donated to the MPA instead.
but the MPA was for members to donate to Kong Hee and his wife. Chew said "it doesn't make sense that you donated to yourself and Sun Ho."
Rental for the property in US costs $20,000 a month.
Chew asked Kong Hee if the church paid for the $20,000 monthly rental for Sun Ho to live in LA.
Kong Hee said that the monthly rental is US$20,000, and paid by the is the base for the crossover and a place for dancers to rehearse.
chew pointed out that kong hee told some church members that the house was paid for by individuals in support of the crossover and not by the church.
Chew revealed that the church lawyer once suggested that Kong Hee should take responsibilty for the wrong doing, and Kong Hee admitted that he wanted to take the blame for everyone and even wrote a letter. Chew doesn't believe him and accused Kong Hee of not just not taking responsibility but for pushing it all onto him (Chew).
Chew goes all out and revealed 7 lies told by Kong Hee
Chew reveals that donors give 2.52 million to Kong Hee and Sun Ho.
too tiny.
(font too small. the details of the recording was revealed.)
Chew revealed that Sun Ho was not even present in the opening ceremony of the 2007 Shanghai Special Olympics, and that she didn't sing the theme song of the Special Olympics.
In a 2007 Singapore Festival flyer, it was stated that Sun Ho sang the theme song for the 2007 Shanghai Special Olympics and was singing at the opening ceremony, but Chew said that she did not do either.
Kong Hee explained that Sun was in the album recorded for the Special Olympics, sang 1 of the songs with China singer Sun Nan, and even recorded an MV. She was also invited to sing at the opening ceremony but there was a change in plans and she didn't go on stage.
Xtron spent more than $5million on the album, but didn't release it. Chew asked Kong Hee why didn't he try to sell the rights to the 20 songs that have already been recorded?
Kong Hee said that if the Xtron directors requested, he would definitely have done it.
Chew suggested that the real reason Sun's album was repeatedly delayed was because Kong Hee knew that Sun's success was not real, hence he hid all relevant information from Chew so that he could make use of Chew to arrange the financing. Kong Hee denies this.
Also, Chew pointed out that the church spent $197,000 buying Sun's chinese albums, but Kong Hee said that this amount came from church supporters who sincerely wanted to own the album and that every album was given to someone.
Kong Hee claimed that Sun was recognised for her humanitarian works in China with a First Day Cover but Chew said that this was not true. the first day cover was just a personalised stamp, and can be bought with money.
Kong Hee also claimed that Sun was the first foreigner to be printed on China stamps. (i actually remember him saying this cos i was so impressed)
but Chew revealed that the stamps were just personalised stamps. Chew also stated that the only reason Sun got any awards was because she donated money to build schools.
Kong Hee didn't agree with Chew's opinion. He said Sun Ho donated $120,000 to build schools and also went to the ground and interacted with the students.
Kong Hee appears tired after being on the stand for a long time, and he replied a question with "Yes, Lord" instead of "Yes, your Honor".
blah blah.
pointless. but funny. =P
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